Introducing the next-gen education

We could describe TapUp as the swipe academy. TapUp offers educational content in a way designed for fast consumption. We present you, the future of microlearning content, TapUp.

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Great education starts with appealing content

TapUp provides a wide range of content created by our neatly selected content creators. In the launch period we focus on entrepreneurship.

SoundCloud - Darkbit X Webflow Template


In et vel ut facilisis sed gravida.
License - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Amet ut ullamcorper nullam.

Branding for startups

Anjo Wychuyse
License - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Lacus sit et, at consequat.
Medium - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Turpis tellus erat nibh.

The future of Web3

Stefan Collins
Meet Our Amazing Team And Culture - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Aliquet sagittis nisl quis ipsum.
Messenger - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Nullam odio fermentum.
Google - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Et id pretium ut enim mattis.


Fringilla tellus nunc ultricies eu.

Hybrid events

Oole Ryckoort
License - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Pellentesque aenean amet.

that's where it starts

By storifying digital learning content we want to increase the effectiveness of online learning and create new ways to interact with students.

Short form learnings

Our short form is directly derived from stories as known on Tiktok or Instagram.

Commitment - Darkbit X Webflow Template
See highly engaging learning content
Define your own pace to follow the course
Ideal to consume as casual learning
Keep it to the essence
Monitor Campaigns - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Two-way learning

Learning is not a one way street anymore. Our taps are fully interactive.

Team Work - Darkbit X Webflow Template
Highly interactive content
Polls, questions and links are supported
Live Reports - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Loyalty program for creators

Our creators are our assets and we want to reward them for that.

Acquisition - Darkbit X Webflow Template
Gain points additional to your fee
Gather points with our affiliate program
Engage with our community
Use additional points to gather more followers
User Analytics  - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Badge certificates

Earn badges depending on the different steps in your learning process.

Responsability - Darkbit X Webflow Template
Badges displayed on your profile
Possibility to earn certificates
Third party certificates unlock new features
See how you are doing vs. your peers
User Journey - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Trusted by these amazing brands

First reactions on
TapUp Beta

No, we're not live yet, but that didn't withheld our
early adopters from giving feedback.

The #1 Analytics SaaS - Darkbit X Webflow Template

"Spot on"

Fast consumption is something that is missing in the industry. This is what thrives the most popular social networks but didn't make it's way to the edtech market yet. Spot on.

John Carter, Head of Marketing
The Only Analytics Tool I Use - Darkbit X Webflow Template

"The interactiveness is unique”

While testing the first version of the app it felt to me like I was really interacting like in my childhood in school. It got to the point where I really understood what I learned what made my effort very effective.

Sophie Moore, VP of Marketing
The Best Analytics - Darkbit X Webflow Template

"It's all about the essence"

The Taps are always very short what makes it possible to stay on topic. In most other educational tools, content creators are rewarded more if they create long form content while TapUp encourages them to keep it to the essence.

Sam Cutts, Marketing Lead

TapUp Beta

On the 12th of december we will let our first batch of users in to the app. Join if you want to have a chance to be selected.

Thanks for joining the TapUp Beta waitlist.
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